Can I Use a Virtual Office for Company Registration?

If you are establishing a business or company and want to know if you can use a virtual office for your company registration, then you have landed on the right page. 

After the establishment of COVID-19 rules, many more companies are finding that using a virtual office has made their life much easier and while it is acceptable to use a virtual office for registration because they are legal and ethical. There are several legal requirements that must consider during registration. 

In this article, we will discuss what a virtual office is, how you can use it for company registration, its benefits, and how M1 Business Hub can help you in your journey with virtual offices.

What Is a Virtual Office?

A virtual office is an office space managed by a third party. Virtual offices provide all the benefits that any traditional or physical office has. For example, a virtual office can have a receptionist, meeting rooms, call answering services, and mail forwarding services.

When a company has a physical office, people tend to be more interested in them; having or renting a virtual office will give a company a professional image even though the team is working remotely. Companies can use a virtual office to hold physical meetings when necessary and meet clients or potential clients in meeting rooms instead of their homes.

As mentioned above, a virtual office is not very different from a physical one. They even run according to the normal business hours that any company abides by. Even if you are working remotely, your virtual office will still have its services working according to business hours.

A virtual office is the best solution for many firms, especially for companies that do not have a permanent address or a fixed location.

What Is Mail Forwarding?

Mail forwarding services provided by virtual offices are nothing but sending the mail you receive to your place or wherever you are.

Virtual offices send scanned copies of mail to your inbox as well. You can choose whether you want the paper copies destroyed or sent to you in batches monthly.

M1 Business Hub can help you get a suitable virtual office space.

What Is a Virtual Business Address?

A virtual business address means that it is a physical address for your office or company. You can use a virtual address for your company without physically occupying the office space.

You can use this virtual office address to register your company. It can be used in your Articles of Incorporation and even while filing corporate taxes.

Using a virtual office address for your firm or company will give your office a realistic feel. Even though your team works remotely but having a registered office address gives your firm a more legitimate sense for people. This is because your office will be found on the map.

A virtual address will be considered your business address. This means that you will receive mail or other communications to this address. You must remember that a virtual address is different from a registered one. For example, if your business grows or expands to a great extent, you can choose various virtual addresses in other places or cities.

It can be a lot to take in, but in simpler words, you can have many virtual addresses where your place be found, and communication can take place, but you need a specific address to register your company.

What Is a Registered Office Address?

Having a registered office address is a must while setting up a company according to Australian business regulations.

We have seen what a virtual office address is; now, let us understand what a company’s registered office address is. A registered business address is where you will or can receive important mail such as official or legal notifications or documents—also, a place where the ASIC can contact you.

It is legal to use a virtual address as your registered office address.

A Few Points to Keep in Mind

  • You must register a business address where you can receive important correspondence.
  • Your address can not be a Post Office box. It should be a physical address or location.
  • Since you are using a virtual office or address, you will not be occupying the physical location or office space. In this case, you must have the written consent of the occupier.
  • You can decide to use the address that you have registered as the principal place of your business.

If you are confused about the registration process, you can contact the team at M1 Business Hub to clarify all the doubts.

Reasons Why You Should Not Use Your Home Address for Office Registration.

There is nothing legally wrong with using your home address as your registered office or a business address.

When you mix your residential address with your registered office address, there can be problems. For example, people can know your house address through the public record. This can put your security under threat.

Even if you own a large-scale business, it might not appear in that manner with your home address registered. It can cause damage to your credibility.

It might not be a problem in the early stages, but once your business grows and you want to change your address, it can be an extensive process notifying your clients and other important people of the change.

You can contact a virtual office service, such as M1 Business Hub and using their address as your business address during registration is always better.

Benefits of a Virtual Office


You can save money by using a virtual office. You will not have overhead costs and can save on travelling expenses. Instead of paying a huge amount of rent for offices, you can use the money for other purposes that can boost your company.

Professional and a Credible Image

If a company has a business address, people will be more interested in knowing about it and contacting the representatives. It makes a firm look more credible, and having an office space for meetings gives a professional outlook. Clients will also be more open to trusting your business when you give them a proper address. Also, a good and known address gives a prestigious look.

One Place for All Communications

A virtual office can be where all your mail, important or official documents and other work-related couriers can be sent. The virtual office services will act like a storage unit for you and be a safe space. Mail sent to different locations or places becomes a hassle while collecting all of them.

Privacy and Security

A virtual office will provide you with an address; hence you will not have to use your house address for business purposes. Having a specific address for your company will help you have your privacy, and your security will not be jeopardised. Your legal documents will also be in safe hands.

Can Any Business Use Virtual Offices?

Any firm can use virtual office services from small to large scale. A virtual office can make your work easier and benefit you.

How to Get a Virtual Office?

Getting a virtual office is relatively easy. Many virtual office services are arising due to changes in rules and regulations. If you are looking to hire a virtual office, you can contact our team at M1 Business Hub to know all the details regarding the process and how it works.

We provide all the services that an office needs with utmost care and efficiency. We aim to help companies grow and become more successful without any hurdles.

We at M1 Business Hub have been working for years and will give you professional advice.

Final Words

Hiring a virtual office service will make your life and work more manageable.

A virtual office will help you in many ways. The registration process is not very hard and can be done instantly. You can use a virtual office to register your company.

It is legal and very beneficial. Get your virtual office now and make your word load easier.